Become a fan of First Light on Facebook and Instagram to find out up-to-the-minute information about ways you can help! There are so many ways to get involved at First Light!
A. Financially …Sustaining the agency now and for the future
Donate stock
Attend our fundraisers: the annual First Light Gala or Dancing With the Stars of the Magic City
Throw a birthday party and suggest that friends donate to First Light.
Do a fundraiser- call us before you make any plans!
B. Volunteering… Hand-in-hand experiences with guests or other volunteers
Coordinate an in-kind donation drive in your clubs, churches, social groups and workplaces to supply guests with the basics of life
Provide and serve a meal
Conduct a group activity for the guests
C. Advocacy… Spread the word about First Light
Place a note about First Light in your company or church newsletter
Share the wonderful story of First Light with your friends, relatives and co-workers
Help First Light make connections with corporate giving programs or foundations
Share our posts on social media